Now that the cat is out of the bag and Future Science Fiction Digest has been announced, you might have burning questions about the magazine: perhaps you want to become involved as a contributor or in another role, maybe you have some great suggestions for the magazine, or you simply want to pick the editor’s brain. On Memorial Day weekend you can do so in person, because I’ll be attending Balticon science fiction convention on May 25-28. There are two perfect opportunities to stop by for a chat:

Kaffeeklatch with Alex Shvartsman (Saturday, 3pm, room 8029)

Launch party for The Golem of Deneb Seven and Other Stories as well as for Future Science Fiction Digest (Sunday, 1pm, Club Lounge)

UFO Publishing will also have a vending table in the dealer room, where I will spend much of my time when not attending panels. And if all else fails, just say hi when you see me anywhere at the con!