“Blessed are the
lazy,” said Joseph Synczlowieczy, the so-called messiah of the Thirteenth
Colony, “because they don’t fight wars, they love the idleness of reading, and
indolence feeds the ingenuity necessary to preserve it.”
Somebody laughed
from the aisles, but others hung around to listen to him willingly, rolled up
like doughnuts on their gravity-controlled gurneys in the rehabilitation ward....
For the third trial, AmaBaba flies me and John to their
Seattle headquarters. That way, he and their boxing computer will have the same
lag between conducting a virtual maneuver and a bot actually performing it. I
suppose they could have brought the computer and us to the warehouse, where the
lag would be minimized, but AmaBaba probably wants to maintain a home field
well as not go all the way to Bessemer, Alabama....
moon shone green below us. It wasn’t far now. I really ought to have prepared
for insertion, but I had difficulty tearing myself away from that powerful
vista. There was something captivating about the unending forests. At the same time, I was aware of what
awaited us there....
is the breath of the dying.
the seventh day after Dandan drank the paraquat—a pesticide that had recently
become tragically popular for suicide attempts, as well as the cause of too
many accidental ingestions by children—her skin grew sallow and her breathing
grew rapid and weak....
The Third Incubation of
Peacocks, afternoon.
I write this from a lily pad
floating on the North Pole. I came here to ponder mushrooms; I find it helpful
to think about dark things in bright places. Kaida has scolded me for wading in
the algae pools, and I understand how important they are to our oxygen cycle....
So, after my grandfather
conquered Belloq IV, and my father subjugated the entire Karolian Empire, it
was my turn.
Of course, I’d known it for
years. You don’t grow up as the eldest male in the bloodiest family in an
entire galactic sector and not have some notion of what the future holds for