Nearly four months since Russia’s initial invasion, the war in Ukraine rages on. It looks like it may continue for quite some time. There’s a real danger that people around the world who are not directly involved in the conflict will become gradually numb to the tragedy of this war....
And Simurgh, the Bird King, the benevolent soul,
felt pity for the gray-haired child…
Ferdowsi, Shaknameh
We’re going to save the world today. By “we” I mean Lenka, Zhorik, Vas-Vas (his real name is Alpamys, but “Vas-Vas” suits him better), and me, Dum-Dum....
I hate cats. If I ever made a list of things I despise, cats would win second place. Immediately below them would be the croupiers who carry themselves like the Pope. And when such a croupier is wearing a shirt embroidered with tiny black cats, then there’s only one thing to do on a sixteen....
He had a lot of work to do, a hell of a lot of work. Arthur barely managed to get the time off—in the end he simply backed his boss into a corner—either I get my twenty-four hours of leave or I submit my resignation—yeah, that’s right....
Atop the immaculate tower of ivory,
Pale souls revolve like constellations.
They eulogize their own eternal and glorious passing.
They shed crystalline tears that leave no path on any face.
Their long and lonely journey will birth their own destruction.
On the immaculate tower of ivory,
There exists no impurity, no sin....