They call me evil.
I prefer misunderstood.
After all, I didn’t ask to be put in charge of this forsaken chunk of rock in the middle of nowhere, but here I am, head warden of the most secure prison in the galaxy....
Printichef gives Aspen-the-dog a thorough chin-scratching while it prints her a beef burger with cheddar cheese on toasted white bun. Aspen-the-dog’s favorite.
Aspen-the-dog eats half the burger, then stops and whines. Her tail wags listlessly. Her surface temperature is 35.8 degrees Celsius....
“I have it on good authority,” my uninvited visitor began, “that you are discreet.”
My visitor. A meeting in the flesh, so to speak. I, of course, don’t have flesh. And I do not lightly permit anyone to approach my Fortress of Solitude—although this man was not here about any super powers I might possess....
The employment of moon-based weapons systems against earth or space targets may prove to be feasible and desirable. Moon-based military power will be a strong deterrent to war because of the extreme difficulty, from the enemy point of view, of eliminating our ability to retaliate....
“At the direction of the President of the United States, it is the stated policy of this administration, and the United States of America, to return American astronauts to the moon within the next five years.”
—Vice President Mike Pence, March 26, 2019
The New York Timely
“New NASA Director Vows to Fulfill Moon Directive”
I’m Dixie. I’m twelve. Well, almost. My birthday is coming up, so close enough. I wear red. God gave me red hair, but I picked the rest, from my red space Keds—Mom hates them—to my matching silk cape—Dad loves it—because capes are cool, and when you drape them right, they hide the tubes....